people believe that the dead person’s spirit is sent to heaven when
the ceremony is completed. They believe that the dead person has merit
because that person can meet their ancestors and dead relatives. When a
person dies, a member in family will shoot a gun into the sky three
times to tell other people in the village.
The body is washed. The men wear women’s
clothes and a belt, and the women change to wear men’s clothing. The
face is covered by a red cloth to hide it from people who come to the
ceremony. The body is laid out opposite the door, and the wrists are
tied by red strings until the funeral ceremony is finished. The Chinese
Hmong believe that when someone falls down near the house, the dead
body must have a reassurance ceremony because they think the spirit of
the dead body will take the spirit of the fallen person.
Hmong people believe that when the spirit
goes to hell, it peels onions and cannot go to heaven. So they will
bind the dead body’s fingers by the red strings to tell that the spirit
has wound in the body, and put shoes on it because the spirit must
ford the caterpillar river and cross the green worm mountain. |
The dead body is put on a table, close to the shrine of
the house. They will give three separate food offerings to the body.
Afterwards, they will shoot a gun three times and light a lamp on the
dead body, when the relatives are gathered together. |
The relatives will repay the dead
person’s debts before burial to free them, give them wealth, and also
happiness in the future life. When the relatives come together, a
chicken is killed as an offering and black magic prayers are said, to
direct the body to the next world. The relatives who attend the
ceremony make a boat from silver and gold paper which the spirit uses
along the journey to next world. |
If the dead person is elderly, the relatives make their respects (‘Xyom’)
each morning and evening. A ceremony which dresses the body in
embroidered clothes is performed in order to give a farm to all the
spirits, making them rich in the next world. |
Before burial, the ceremony leader teaches to any visitors from 8pm until 2am.
On burial day many neighbors come to attend the
ceremony. The lineage will clean the body before burial and they have to
kill a cow to worship the dead person. Some families will do the
ceremony again outside, before taking the body to the graveyard to bury
around 4pm. |
In the procession, a woman will take a torch to give
direction to the dead body. When the procession has passed through the
village she will throw the torch away and run back, because the Hmong
believe that then the spirit cannot find its way back home. The
procession finally arrives at the graveyard, where a black magic prayer
is performed, and the body is put in a well-placed grave that gives a
blessing and beneficial effects for the descendents. After the funeral
has finished, they family members put stones and twigs on the grave,
and burn the silver and gold papers (or anything else they have offered)
given to the dead body. The table that takes the dead body to the
graveyard is sawn up, as the Hmong believe that then it cannot take
life from the people in the village. |
During the funeral ceremony, to let the
spirit reach heaven, no-one can pick any flowers or leaves. Also the
entire lineage may not cry on the way to the graveyard because the
spirit would be concerned, and unable to go to the next world. The
older dead around hillside are buried thus: those on the left will have
a female ancestor and on the right a male ancestor. Hmong do not bury
children on the same day as their parents because they will not
prosper; and they won’t bury other dead bodies in the same row because
that dead body will snatch the place to make a farm and come to
interfere with any family member that has an illness. A child’s body
can be buried in the same row because the children can play together.
The family makes a fence to protect the grave
from animals or insects, and relatives may not visit the grave until
13 days after burial. On that day they have to free the spirit, so it
can go to the next world.Hmong people believe that the grave or
graveyard which has overgrown grass, like spinach, means that the
family has peace. A person who dies from the result of an accident or
killed by violence is not taken to the house or buried the same way. |
The Hmong
will be in mourning for 13 days, and during that time, they cannot wash
their clothes or brush their hair, because the dirt drops in the body’s
food. They don’t draw strings because it snuggles up to the legs of
the body, or sew clothes because the needle stabs the body. The husband
or wife of the dead person cannot marry until 13 days have passed
because it makes the dead concerned about their welfare. Hmong people
then converse and cover the coffin with earth, stones and branches.
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