The United States of
America helps the people who flee from the war to live there. The
government allots land and houses for people to rent, receive welfare
and helps with job searching to give them independent income. The
government gives childcare and assistance for the elderly. Some family
they use the money that the America government gives to take care the
children for the family because they do not get much money from their
Hmong youths in America have an education
and get welfare from the American government and the children who were
born in America they do not know the tradition and the culture also.
All of them interested about the entertainment, have a Hmong’s song
competition and have many Hmong singer youths, actress, actor, all of
them have an education. The prosper of the western culture make Hmong
people change they way of living to the same American people. They can
not practice their traditional.
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